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Your Playing Small Doesn’t Serve The World

Many of us choose to “play small” because we don’t want to be criticized, judged, condemned, jeered, laughed at, lynched, and sometimes even killed. This […]

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Be An Individual

Be an individual. Do not compromise your individuality, authenticity, sovereignty, authority, and freedom – not for religion, politics, money, companionship, marriage, class, status, or belonging. […]

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Emancipate Yourself From Your Programming

The unconscious human being can be compared to a machine, more precisely a machine like a computer that is programmed to react according to the […]

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Follow Your Heart

Don’t follow your mind. Don’t decide one way or another. Your mind cannot see the big picture. It can only see the past and project […]

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A New Consciousness of Love and Light

We have completed over two decades of the twenty-first century, but as we look around us we see the astounding advances in technology, science, medicine, […]

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Be With What Is

Be with this moment. Enjoy this moment. Live in this moment. Celebrate this moment. Surrender to this moment. Do not regret or ponder past moments, […]

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