Courtney Kazembe
GIFTE Programs

Our GIFTE programs have been designed with the goal of freedom, transformation and enlightenment, to have you gain mastery over your life and the world, so that you live your divine destiny with passion, power, authenticity, freedom and joy.

Participants in our programs experience a quantum leap in their effectiveness, performance and happiness. They emerge as leaders of their own lives, and operate at a very high level of power, passion, purpose, peace and prosperity. 

Unlike traditional education that focuses directly on changing the content of your life or business, the programs of GIFTE focus on the context, i.e., the vibration, beliefs, paradigms, consciousness or culture that gives the results of your life or business. We go to the heart or core of the human being or business. The impact is a radical shift and sustainability in your results.

What is Freedom?

Freedom is the act of letting go of the mind to enter into the soul. It is the release of the egoic programming, culture, ‘schisms and ‘isms’ that keep us stuck in a paradigm of fear. When we clear ourselves of this programming, we step into our lives with a breath of fresh air, claiming our innate birthright to thrive in our lives with courage, acceptance, trust, love, joy and serenity.

What is Transformation?

Transformation is the alchemical process where the caterpillar goes through a metamorphosis into a butterfly. It is the alchemical process of the pressure a stone feels before it becomes a diamond. When we allow ourselves to step into the chamber for transformation, we experience a sudden shift in consciousness that alters our experience of life. Transformation defies logic or reason. You discover a new world simply because you become a new person.

What is Enlightenment?

Enlightenment is the state of being where you know that you are light and a force of nature.It is a state of consciousness where there is no difference between you and divine source. It is why we are here, to be enlightened, to masterfully shape life itself and to share the fruits of our enlightenment to the world. It is the ultimate state, christ-hood, buddha-hood, where our light becomes a gift to the universe.

  • Experience prosperity and abundance in your daily life.
  • Attain wholeness and wellness in your physical and emotional body.
  • Achieve a state of peace, love and unity.
  • Experience extraordinary improvements in your relationships.
  • Be a powerful leader of your own life, your family, and community.
  • Become a magnet for good and success.
  • Having the courage to live your authentic life.

People who are committed to more happiness, prosperity, freedom, success and personal effectiveness in life find the GIFTE programs of immeasurable value. Join one of our programs today!

Personal Transformation Programs

These programs have been designed to have you gain mastery over your life and world so that you pursue your goals and dreams with passion, power, authenticity, freedom and joy

Our core personal transformation programs include:

Awakening to Your Prosperity

Enjoying your birthright to prosper (2-day program)

This is a powerful 2-day learning experience designed to teach participants how to master their creative gift, align themselves with the abundant flow of good, and embrace the principles and practices necessary for financial freedom.

Waking up to Your Health and Wellness

(2-day program)

This 2 day program is designed to inspire and empower you to make healthier life choices and enjoy an active lifestyle with family and friends. When you feel good on the inside, your light, joy and health will shine on the outside. We bring leaders in Health and Wellness to encourage and support you to become your healthiest, happiest self so that you feel equipped with the tools to keep your immune system running at its optimal level. You will also have access to a community of like-minded individuals who place importance on wellness.

The Awakening

Unleash the Love & Power Within! (2-day program)

The Awakening is an extra-ordinary life transforming 2-day experience about coming into awareness or consciousness of who you really are. You awaken to how you have designed your existing life and the power you have to deliberately recreate a life of confidence, success, prosperity, power and love. It turns a light on inside of you and gives you a deeper look at your true self, your divinity.

The Awakening also has two sub programs: (1) Awakening to Your Inner Warrior and (2) Awakening to Your Open Heart that work with specific energies to help you raise your vibration out of fear into extraordinary courage, trust, forgiveness and love.

The Clearing

Experience Ultimate Freedom (7-day program)

The Clearing is a 7-day process designed to clear you of all past hurts, pains, fears, negativities, traumas and limitations that clouds your life, chokes your success and stifles your freedom. It will leave you with the space to live your life powerfully, authentically and purposefully. When you create the space for your authentic life, the real you emerges.

The Connection

Divine Oneness (7-day program)

The Connection is a 7 –day program that connects you with your higher self and source energy. At this level you become committed to the evolution and enlightenment of every being on the planet.

Corporate Transformation Programs

These programs have been designed to create high performance cultures, renewable enterprises, and sustainable profits

Our core corporate programs are:

Conscious Leadership

(3-day program)

Corporate Success today is absolutely dependent on a world-class leadership force. By fielding the best-trained, most highly skilled conscious leaders, a company can control its own destiny.

This three-day interactive training program is custom-tailored for your specific organization. It is facilitated by Courtney Kazembe, who is a world leader on the development of human potential and personal effectiveness. He’s a dynamic speaker with an ability to inspire audiences towards peak performance. He addresses thousands of people each year on the subject of personal and professional development.

Authentic Communication

(3-day program)

This intense and in-depth three-day course will take the participants through different levels of various communication tools, methodologies and experiences. It will give the participants an understanding of human behavior and its effectiveness in organizing and controlling human activities through proper communication. Participants emerge with a greater sense of confidence in interpersonal communication, public speaking and oral presentation.

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